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Аннотация поверхности



Every person has a strong energy.
How does a person manage their energy?
In what thoughts and feelings is the energy involved?
Where are you directing your life potential?
Positive thoughts and feelings create a positive personality, a healthy physical body and a successful life in general. Clutter in the mind, negative thoughts and feelings drains a huge amount of human energy, creating a negative personality, pain in the physical body, and suffering in living conditions.


In cooperation with video and music, a person can develop - learn to manage his energy and transform his personality and life towards goodness, harmony and love. This is the task of human life!
In cooperation with video and music, a person has the opportunity to:

  •      To become better.

  •      To transform the negative thoughts and feelings accumulated in the past. Learn to think positively.

  •      To feel yourself, other people and life harmoniously.

  •      To restore your common energy, which is the basis for success in all aspects of life - health, relationships, work, sex, material world and the entire direction of the common life path.

Actavio Lioss, based on telepathic vision and deep knowledge of human energetics, creates videos and music in subtle vibrations of the universe - Harmonic energies.
The works of this author do not contain domestic and other negative energies. Video and music created in harmony have a positive, fast and powerful effect on the subtle structures of a person - consciousness, subconsciousness, mind, soul and cells of the physical body, which positively affects the quality of a person's life.



When watching Aktavio Lioss™ videos and listening to music, a person has different reactions:

  •      A person leaves in a flowing, pleasant state of euphoria, flight, light, completeness, fulfillment.

  •      A person falls asleep and wakes up at the end of the video, the melody. Deep, wide and positive changes are taking place in the subconscious mind.

  •      People's videos, music can annoy, cause dissatisfaction, aggressiveness and discomfort.

Changes in life circumstances may be triggered. Activation, transformation and purification of negative thoughts and feelings accumulated in the past take place in the subconscious.
Any reaction in feelings and life processes balances out within 1-2 days after watching the video and listening to the music.
Aktavio Lioss™ videos and music are created in the energies of harmony and reflect the amount of harmony in the person watching the video and listening to the music. The more harmony there is in a person, the more positive the reactions are. The less harmony a person has, the more negative the reactions. Whatever the reaction is, interacting with video and music positively changes a person. It is an opportunity to move towards goodness, harmony and a better life.



Feeling tired, overworked, drained, stressed? Take time for yourself - love yourself! Feel the miraculous power of this energetic change! Improves emotional well-being and physical health!
Allow yourself to sound vibrations that clear the blocks of negative energy:

  •      It improves the functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, nervous and digestive systems. The function of organs, back, muscles and head is restored, blood pressure is balanced, joints are cleansed.

  •      Sexual and pure earth energy, which is responsible for money, relationships and well-being, was activated.

  •      The body becomes light, free and perception is clear.

  •      Emotional freedom arises, the opportunity to enter new ideas and improvements in all areas of life.



Every person wants to be loved and to love, to live in harmony, to be healthy, successful and rich. It is hindered by pollution accumulated in the deepest layers of the human mind and Soul - past negative feelings, thoughts, experiences, pain, suffering, failures and consciousness programs. It is possible to change it - to positively transform your personality and life in cooperation with video and music!
When watching videos and listening to music, a person often encounters the restlessness, dissatisfaction, aggressiveness, discomfort of his mind, which is not noticed in the daily rush of life. Everyone meets himself.
"What happens to you under the influence of video and music is you!".
Video and music activate and show those hidden thoughts and feelings that reside in the deep layers of the human mind and Soul. Sooner or later they come out and manifest in the physical body and life circumstances as sickness, failure and suffering.
Under the influence of the subtle vibrations of the video and music, the accumulated negative thoughts and feelings are activated and released. Therefore, a person has the opportunity to get to know himself and consciously lead the processes of his life to harmony. It is also an opportunity to train concentration and will and change negative feelings to feelings of harmony - anger, stress, aggression, resistance, etc. unwanted feelings towards understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, respect and faith.
It is necessary for the human Soul and development. Otherwise, a person's life goes by itself, in the inertia of negative thoughts and feelings of the past.


          To ir iespēja mainīt - sadarbībā ar mūziku un video pozitīvi transformēt savu personību un dzīvi!

      Klausoties mūziku un skatoties video, cilvēks bieži sastopas ar sava prāta nemieru, neapmierinātību, agresivitāti, diskomfortu, ko ikdienas dzīves skrējienā neievēro. Cilvēks satiekas pats ar sevi. “Kas notiek ar Tevi mūzikas un video iedarbībā, tas esi Tu pats!”. Mūzika un video aktivizē un parāda tās slēptās domas un jūtas, kas mājo cilvēka prāta un Dvēseles dziļos slāņos.

     Agri vai vēlu tās iznāk uz āru un izpaužas fiziskā ķermenī un dzīves apstākļos kā slimības, neveiksmes un ciešanas.

      Mūzikas un video smalko vibrāciju iedarbībā sakrātās negatīvās domas un izjūtas uzaktivizējas un atraisās. Līdz ar to cilvēkam ir iespēja iepazīt sevi un apzināti vadīt savas dzīves procesus uz harmoniju. Tā ir iespēja arī trenēt koncentrēšanos un gribu un mainīt negatīvās izjūtas uz harmonijas izjūtām - dusmas, stresu, agresiju, pretestību u.c. nevēlamas izjūtas uz sapratni, pieņemšanu, piedošanu, pateicību, pazemību, cieņu un ticību.

    Tas ir nepieciešams cilvēka Dvēselei un attīstībai.

Pretējā gadījumā cilvēka dzīve iet pašplūsmā, pagātnes negatīvo domu un izjūtu inercē.

Izjūtot negatīvu reakciju, būtiski:

   •    Saprast – viss, kas ar Tevi notiek, esi Tu pats! Tā ir iespēja savlaicīgi apzināties pagātnē pieļautās kļūdas – negatīvās domas un izjūtas un mainīt tās uz harmoniju. Jo pozitīvas domas un izjūtas, rada veiksmīgu dzīvi, bet negatīvas domas un izjūtas rada sarežģītu dzīvi.

   •    Apzināties – notiek attīstības procesi – izjūtu alķīmija. Zemapziņā sakrāto negatīvo domu un izjūtu, prāta programmu uzaktivizēšanās, transformācija un attīrīšanās.

   •    Pieņemt notiekošos procesus sevī bez agresijas un pretestības. Pieņemšana ir paziņojums Smalkajai pasaulei par vēlmi mainīties.

   •    Kontrolēt un nepieļaut negatīvu izjūtu un domu veidošanos. Nepiesārņot savu Dvēseli!

   •    Trenēt koncentrēšanos, gribu un mainīties – uz labestību, harmoniju un Mīlestību.

   •    Mazinot domu haosu, ļaut sevī veidoties harmonijai. Lai rodas iespēja iet uz Mīlestību. Lai Mīlestība atbrīvo Dvēseli un rodas iespēja uzlabot izjūtu un dzīves kvalitāti.


   Ieteikumi veiksmīgai sadarbībai ar Aktavio Lioss™
mūziku un video.


      Mūzika un video ir unikāls un spēcīgs instruments paātrinātai cilvēka personības attīstībai.

     Klausieties mūziku un skatieties video ar mērķi attīstīties, nevis iegūt kādu noteiktu stāvokli (baudu, eiforiju, lidojumu, svētlaimi u.c.).

     Praktiski padomi padziļinātai sevis pilnveidošanai
sadarbībā ar mūziku un video

     Mūzika un video var palīdzēt dzīves situācijās, ja to klausīsieties Mīlestības izjūtās – labestībā, pateicībā, piedošanā, pieņemšanā, pazemībā, cieņā un ticībā.

    Iesakām veidot sevī šīs izjūtas un sadarboties ar mūziku un video – Jūsu dzīvei būs iespēja pozitīvi mainīties!

Pirms mūzikas klausīšanās un video skatīšanās (piemēri):

   •     Atrodiet laiku sev vienatnē, ērti apsēdieties, atbrīvojieties, aizveriet acis un pateicieties radītājam, sev vai dzīvei par visu labo, kas Jums dzīvē ir dots. Veltiet laiku pateicībām.

Piemēram, “Paldies, radītāj, par šo labo mirkli.”, “Paldies, dzīve, par attīstības iespējām!”. Laiks pateicībām nav ierobežots, atrodiet vismaz 5 lietas, par ko esat dzīvē pateicīgi un kavējieties katrā pateicībā iespējami ilgāku laiku. Atbrīvotā atmosfērā, sev patīkamā skaļumā tad klausieties mūziku vai skatieties video.

   •    Atrodiet laiku sev vienatnē, ērti apsēdieties, atbrīvojieties un pasmaidiet sev. Ļaujiet, lai pasmaida Jūsu seja – mīļi un silti. Veidojiet smaidu sejā un veltiet tam visu savu uzmanību. Kādu laiku kavējieties smaidā sejā. Tad izveidojiet smaidu krūtīs. Ļaujiet, lai vienlaicīgi smaida Jūsu seja un krūtis. Atrodieties kādu laiku tikai smaidā sejā un krūtīs. Pēc tam izveidojiet smaidu arī vēderā. Ļaujiet, lai vienlaicīgi smaida Jūsu seja, krūtis un vēders. Atrodies tikai šajā smaidā. Meditācijas tehnikas laiks nav ierobežots, vēlams vismaz 5 minūtes. Atbrīvotā atmosfērā, sev patīkamā skaļumā tad klausieties mūziku vai skatieties video.

Uzmanību! Mūziku nedrīkst klausīties vadot automašīnu!


     Ja klausoties mūziku un skatoties video rodas spēcīgas emocijas, samaziniet klausīšanās biežumu un ilgumu. Kad emocijas un uzaktivizētie dzīves procesi līdzsvarojas, turpiniet klausīties mūziku un skatīties video.

     Lai katram izdodas redzēt, dzirdēt, sajust, atrast sevi un pasauli! Mainīties un veidot pozitīvo un iet uz Mīlestību! Mūzika un video tajā palīdzēs, ja veidosiet ticību, sadarbību un attīstību!

  Ja ir vēlme uzzināt ko vairāk un plašāk, jautājiet mums!

Radiet brīnumus paši sadarbībā ar mūziku un video!

Jūsu smaids, labestība un griba + mūzika un video =
virzība, rezultāts, nākotne – Mīlestība!

L.Aktavio par video

Аннотация поверхности
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  • Understand - everything that happens to you is you! It is an opportunity to realize in time the mistakes made in the past - negative thoughts and feelings and change them to harmony. Because positive thoughts and feelings create a successful life, but negative thoughts and feelings create a difficult life.

  • To become aware - development processes take place - the alchemy of feelings. Activation, transformation and purification of negative thoughts and feelings, mental programs accumulated in the subconscious.

  • Accept the ongoing processes in yourself without aggression and resistance. Acceptance is a statement to the Subtle World of a desire to change.

  • Control and prevent the formation of negative feelings and thoughts. Do not pollute your Soul!

  • To train concentration, will and change - to goodness, patience, harmony and Love.

  • By reducing the chaos of thoughts, allow harmony to form within. Let there be an opportunity to go to Love. May Love free the Soul and give you the opportunity to improve your feelings and quality of life.


Video and music are a unique and powerful tool for accelerated development of human personality. Watch videos and listen to music with the goal of developing, not achieving a certain state (pleasure, euphoria, flight, bliss, etc.).

Cooperate with music and video until life is in harmony. The more regularly the chaos of the mind, discomfort, and pain in the body begin to disappear, the more harmonious a person is. It is essential to feel even a little moments in which a person is able to focus on the positive, feel it and dwell on it. It creates harmony. These moments contribute to human development and help achieve life goals.

There are several ways to work with video and music on a daily basis:


  • Plays video and music in the background. Positive changes are taking place in the human subconscious - energies are changing and being purified. The energy of the premises is also purified. It is very effective to play music and video in a room where children are playing. Music and videos have a positive effect on children's physical and mental development.

  • Watch videos and listen to music that creates a harmonious response, conscious self-improvement takes place.

  • Watch videos and listen to music that cause some kind of discomfort, conscious and deep self-improvement takes place if a person accepts any feelings and changes them to positive ones.

  • Watch different videos and listen to different tunes. Each video and melody consists of different, harmonious energies. By listening to melodies with a spectrum of different energies, multifaceted human development takes place.


  • While listening to music, repeat to yourself a mantra corresponding to a specific moment in life. Choose a mantra so that positive things develop in your feelings and life. During the repetition of the mantra, the human mind disconnects from everyday life, negative thoughts and directs the person to the processes he needs in life. For example, a mantra for building faith, courage and confidence "Let what I really need come into my life!", a mantra for building harmony "I accept life as it is. I choose goodness and love.”. These mantras are simple, positive and very effective. The time of the meditation technique is not limited, listen to the sensations.

  • While listening to music, focus all your attention on one chosen object or flower near you without judging. Try to slow down your thoughts and allow your consciousness to focus on the chosen subject. If thoughts appear, then consciously turn to concentration again. And in this process, he trains his consciousness to get used to disciplining his thoughts. (Because a disciplined thought can be focused on creating the desired processes in life. Everything we feel and think enters and is fulfilled in our life - this is the law of the universe!). The time of the meditation technique is not limited.

  • While watching the video, listening to the music, imagine that you have returned to a pleasant place near nature, where you have felt harmonious, preferably alone. Recall what you saw, heard, felt there. Focus your consciousness only on your positive feelings, without activating the race of thoughts. The time of the meditation technique is not limited, listen to your feelings. Choose the way of cooperation with music that you feel is the most suitable at that moment. Listen to different melodies and use different ways of cooperation with video for continuous development!

Choose the way of cooperation with music that you feel is the most suitable at that moment. Listen to different tunes and use different ways to interact with the video for continuous development!


If watching videos and listening to music evokes strong emotions, reduce the frequency and duration of listening. When emotions subside and activated life processes balance, continue listening to music and watching videos.
May everyone manage to see, hear, feel, find themselves and the world!

Change and create the positive and go to Love! Video and music will help in this if you build faith, cooperation and development!
If you want to know more and more, ask us!



Dvēseles harmonijas studija LAWIO:

Iveta Kokoreviča: + 371 26423699

Mirdza Liepiņa:  +371 25373635

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