Fate and Causality
Lawio. Lioss Aktavio

To idealize means to attach too much importance to a specific idea you have about the arrangement of the surrounding world and your own life. As a result, you allow yourself to fall into negative emotions because real life does not correspond to this model.

Life is too cruel to me; I don't deserve such suffering.
A relative's life seems undeservedly hard.
I feel dissatisfaction with my life, and I often feel like a victim.
There is a contemptuous attitude toward people who lack the determination to change their lives.
I possess a real talent, but I start to despise those who do not have such talent.
I suffer because I feel I have no abilities and consider myself a failure—an unnecessary person to everyone.
I can't stand being controlled or restricted in any way!
I will never get along with authoritarian people.
It irritates me if I have to work according to instructions and pre-approve my actions.
It irritates me if I become dependent on other people or circumstances related to them.
I have a specific life order, consisting of trust, harmonious relationships, and an attractive outer appearance. When something in this doesn't reach the desired result, I experience prolonged negative feelings.
There is a contemptuous attitude towards the uneducated, simple, and crude people.
Condemnation of people whose actions or attitudes I cannot explain with ordinary logic.
If I make a mistake, everyone will laugh at me! I always try to make absolutely the right decision.
How can I act if others say something about me? (opinion)
I cannot refuse friends and relatives. I don’t want to give them any reason to think or speak badly of me. (opinion)
Unwillingness to escalate relationships with relatives, even when the situation requires it. (colleagues not managing their duties, not wanting to bring up painful family issues, etc.)
Negative feelings when relatives or strangers do not fulfill the commitments they made, lie, betray, or otherwise fail to meet the expectations I have placed on them. (trust)
I consider my life unsuccessful if I lack money (for example, to buy a car or a house).
Contemptuous attitude towards lazy people, unemployed individuals, and the poor.
I feel contempt and condemnation towards people who cannot or do not want to earn money.
You worry whether you and your loved ones (partner, children, parents) are sufficiently beautiful and meet societal norms.
You condemn and judge others based on their appearance, considering them unattractive or different from your views.
You despise yourself for physical flaws that you constantly notice in yourself.
You overly worry about any external imperfections—weight, skin issues, physical strength, etc., and attempt to control the surrounding world.
You impose your views on others and get angry if they don’t listen and act according to their own judgment.
You cannot trust anyone; everything must be done by yourself!
Constant fear or anxiety about your loved ones, their actions, or lives.
Negative experiences when people treat you disrespectfully, ignore your opinions or suggestions, or do not take you into account.
When losing any idealization, a person feels anger, irritation, aggression, pain, experiences, stresses because he had put a lot into that process.
If a person had gone to the goal through love,
then when losing it - love remains.

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