I have grown and developed by exploring the processes offered by the church, pedagogy, psychology, and psychotherapy. I earned a higher education degree from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Latvia. For ten years, I practiced yoga. I traveled to India and other countries in search of answers. However, true transformation within me occurred through practicing Soul Therapy and working with my spiritual teacher, Mirdza Liepiņa.

You may be searching for answers to questions like how to understand and get to know yourself, how your life processes form, and how they interact with the universal processes of the cosmos. Deep inside, there is a desire to live differently—brighter, freer, more creatively—so that your life circumstances become successful, and you feel in harmony with yourself, those around you, and the world. Like you, I too have sought answers to these questions. This search has been relentless, the paths diverse, driven by a deep inner desire to find the knowledge that would help me understand my true essence and show me ways to connect with my Soul.
The feeling never fades—that it is possible to live in inner peace and harmony, to experience bright and pleasant emotions, while also being physically healthy, strong, and abundant. I want to fulfill myself in life, achieve my goals, and experience the satisfaction, true joy, and sense of completeness that leads to light.
I want to share with you the journey God has guided me through. Everything I have experienced, encountered, and felt, along with the insights I have gained. I believe that the knowledge that has truly transformed my life and made it so much more wonderful must be shared so that others, too, have the opportunity to experience the power of transformation.
Because I understand what it means to search but not find answers. To feel despair, confusion, and uncertainty about how to move forward in life.
I remember when I was only 6 years old, waking up at night, often asking myself: "What will happen when I die? What will happen to me? Where will I be? What will happen to my body?" These questions troubled me because I had no answers. Am I just a physical body? What does it mean to live? What about my loved ones? Will I meet them again? These questions led me to search for some deeper truth that would bring me peace.
My grandmother was a devout believer, and she introduced me to other realities that became my first experiences on the path to the inner world and my relationship with God. As a teenager, I studied at the church school, participated in confessions, and recited the rosary. I was aware of God's presence and sought a way to understand God's Love. Once, I even went on a pilgrimage to Aglona—an unforgettable journey and experience. However, over time, I began to notice contradictions between what I experienced in my inner world and what the church offered. I realized that my inner feelings and life were not changing the way I had hoped. It seemed there had to be another path.
Then came a phase in life when I indulged in worldly pleasures, hoping they would bring Soul fulfillment and happiness. However, this was a false path. With the indulgence, life became empty, and friends could not provide inner peace. There was fleeting joy that turned into pain and moments of self-flagellation. I felt aggression and dissatisfaction with myself and those around me. I realized that I couldn't live this way anymore. A solution had to be found.
Thus, I was led to a path of inner growth and self-exploration through psychotherapy. I learned to recognize and transform my emotions, searching for the causes at the roots of their emergence. However, after two years, I realized that there was something deeper. My inner world was searching for answers that go beyond just this life. I understood that without a higher purpose—to approach Love, live in harmony with the laws of the Universe, and understand my Soul—my understanding of this path was incomplete.
Alongside psychotherapy, I attended yoga classes. The first lesson was so inspiring that it moved me to tears. I realized this would be part of my journey, as it provided answers about past lives, the laws of karma, and the path to deeper self-exploration and God’s Love. For 8 years, I studied vast Vedic knowledge—the art of positive thinking, Ayurveda, hatha yoga, astrology, numerology, and the art of meditation. But during these years, I realized I had strayed from my Soul and heart because knowledge, techniques, and material life had become more important than God's Love itself. Ego and pride had grown, which was not in line with the laws of the Universe.
My search then led me to India and Nepal, where I met wise people. In India, I received a palm leaf that contained information about my life, future, and past lives. It was another step in seeking answers, as there was complete confusion in my life. The palm leaf gave shocking, yet soothing information. However, after returning from India, life only worsened—depression set in, my Soul felt trapped, and I could no longer move forward freely.
Then I received information about Kriya Yoga meditation. I started practicing this meditation but felt that I lacked a teacher who would be present and guide me in the right direction. I met various people who could see past lives, but the information I received didn’t help me understand how to work with it or what to do next.
I also read books—S. Lazarev, Kryon, N.D. Walsh, V. Megre—but I realized that I needed live contact with a person who lives in God's Love, Light, and Faith. A person who understands Divine consciousness and lives with pure intentions, teaching from their own experience and life, proving that it is possible to live differently.
And then, in my greatest despair, I turned to deep and sincere prayers—from the heart and Soul, asking God to show me the way that could help me understand how to live, how to move through life, and what I had been doing wrong all this time. And I was given the opportunity! A girl came to my workplace with an aura photograph, and for the first time, I physically saw my Subtle world. Initially, I was very skeptical, but when I received the explanation of the aura photograph, I sat and cried because deep things were revealed. The girl who provided this information amazed me with her brightness, demeanor, energy, and courage to bring knowledge about energy and the Subtle world into the business environment. I asked where she had learned, who her teacher was, and expressed my desire to meet this person.
After some time, God gave me the wonderful opportunity to meet this person, who is now my spiritual teacher—Mirdza. It was in September 2010. Since then, my life has changed incredibly. Mirdza showed me how to look at myself, my life processes, and the laws of the Universe differently. I received answers as to why I hadn't been able to create a successful path in life and why so many negative trials came into my life.
It turned out that the key to success and prosperity lies in my feelings, thoughts, and attitude toward everything in this life—myself, others, and the world around me. Successful movement is determined not by what I do in life, but by the way, the attitude, feelings, and thoughts with which I move through life. It is precisely my emotional and Soul world that shapes my physical and material life, determining my life path.
One can meditate for hours, but if you condemn others for not meditating, or if you feel superior because you meditate, it is impossible to live harmoniously because this will only attract challenging circumstances into your life. All feelings, thoughts, and expressions are energy. I began to learn the world of energy, to record, control, and change my feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and expressions. I began to see patterns in how they affect and shape my life. And truly, as I consciously began to control and change my feelings, thoughts, and expressions—such as arrogance, condemnation of others, gossip—my inner world began to change—it became lighter and brighter around my Soul, and my life circumstances began to change rapidly. The areas of life that had been "frozen" for years began to get organized.
I began to take responsibility for everything that happens in my life and look for answers within myself—as to why I had attracted specific people, events, and circumstances. I became aware that I create my own life and always have a choice—how to live, with what attitude, emotions, with whom to meet, and in which environment to be. I began to learn to remove unnecessary things from my energetic structures and replace them with positive and needed structures. How wonderful it felt when I no longer searched for the causes of my life circumstances in the astrological planets, no longer shifted responsibility for my life to the planets, but sought answers within myself! I began to get to know my energetic structures, understand how to process and change them. And all of this is real, understandable, tangible, and can be worked with to change myself and my life.
I got acquainted with music and videos created with the vibrations of the Universe's energies. I had the opportunity to participate in music and video meditations, where very strong and subtle energy vibrations were involved. These helped me experience a different state of consciousness, one that I could never reach in meditation. It was a wonderful opportunity to know myself deeper, feel and realize a different version of myself, and feel a connection with my Divine origin. These experiences were very profound; they provided indescribable peace, harmony, and a sense of wholeness, encouraging me to perfect myself, change myself, become lighter and more pleasant. They cleanse negative emotions, free the mind from attachments to the material world, and allow one to experience the freedom and flight of the Soul. This is a wonderful journey to oneself.
Of course, changes in all areas do not happen quickly. Patience, persistence, and faith are required. Gradually, as I perfected myself, unwanted structures began to dissolve, and the desired processes began to unfold. Now I clearly realize that willpower, persistence, faith, and movement will be the ones shaping my life, not karmic structures. If water can split a stone drop by drop, then human will and persistence can achieve even more!
I am grateful to God for the opportunity to meet people who live in harmony with the laws of the Universe, live in God's Love, and share their knowledge. It provides an opportunity for everyone to discover their true self, their Subtle world, live in bright and pleasant emotions, and find balance between physical and spiritual development.
Seek, and you will be given; knock, and the door will be opened to you!
I wish you a pleasant journey to yourself—to the light and freedom of your heart and Soul!
With sincere respect, Iveta

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Lioss Aktavio - author of lessons, music, videos. Copyright protected. Materials and works may not be distributed further.