Experience in energy development – 22 years. I practice various depths and complexities of processes. I work with subconscious revelations, information retrieval, and processing. I offer meditations that help clear the mind, achieving the lightness and freedom of the Soul. The meditations I provide are both simple and complex. I also work with karmic process development and transformation. Together, we can change destiny for the better, regardless of any situation.

Today, while standing outside, I looked up at the sky and, for a moment, felt the brevity of life – in its vastness, depth, and the grand entirety. I noticed how short our lives truly are. God gives us the opportunity to transform our inner torments, suffering, and pain so that we may find beauty, lightness, and love!
How much time do we waste, focusing on completely unnecessary things, actions, feelings, behaviors, and thoughts? How much time do we spend on trivialities – on explanations, misunderstandings, and achievements?
To be happy and live in joy – it should simply be. We have so little time. In life, we often do not know how to stop and learn something new or just live. In our rush, we often run past what is truly important.
Why are people willing to hurt themselves and others? It is far more beautiful to be in harmony and love!
What do superficialities, pretensions, and masks we wear bring us? They suppress the true Soul of each person, making it hurt, shrink, and wither. Every person is much different inside than they think. Deep inside, in the heart, there is true, deep, and endless Love!
Why waste your time and life only to leave it behind?
Accept everything that happens to you!
Forgive those who harm you!
Be thankful for everything you have!
Love yourself and everything around you!
Every breath, every minute, and every moment!
In small things, hatred, and pride, the Soul shatters and breaks into small fragments. Beyond time and space – in Eternity – in Love, it reunites, becomes whole, unified, and bright again!
Love yourself and everything around you!
I have come to the conclusion that it is time to share my experiences and lessons learned from my teacher, L. Aktavio.
I have been thinking about what stops us – as people – from looking beyond, opening up, stepping out of our comfort zone, beyond familiar thoughts, beyond what we can see with our eyes, from everything that is known? Can we see a single leaf of a tree and see more, feel more? Can we resist the urge to transform this leaf, as we often do, by intervening and changing it according to our own ideas, frequently and on a large scale?
It's similar to a helicopter, when it lifts off and its propeller spins, leaving bigger and bigger circles on the ground, or like a stone thrown into the water, creating ripples on the surface. In the end, everything merges into one, without boundaries. When the helicopter rises very high, it becomes part of everything; it is everywhere – in the sky. Or, similarly, the stone, sinking deeper into the water, allows everything to merge without boundaries.
This is how my mind works too. It is like a stone in the universe, drawing circles, boundaries, as far as I can understand. What will allow me to merge? Will it be my mind, which pulls me down, or will it be love, which allows me to fly?
Are they fears or distrust? A lack of love that limits this circle? Yes, it is a lack of love!
I feel stuck. Are these the boundaries of comfort that prevent me from moving forward? It seems that it is indeed comfort, but it comes from the limitation of the mind – an understanding based on physical desires and expressions, which are often limited, modest, familial, practical, isolated, and polluted.
How many such circles exist in the world? Circles are the essence of human life while on Earth. Yet, each person's circles are different, with their own composition, intensity, and quantity. By which circles does a person live to be happy? Are they the circles where love reigns?
Can those in different circles understand each other? In truth, the circles are all quite similar; it is just that each person experiences them differently, in colors, tastes, and activities. Understanding is possible, but how many people are ready to change and develop? What is development? Is it understanding and the ability to change?
Why does a person destroy all living things? Because their essence is weak and incomplete – filled with fear. That is why a person feels the need to feel superior, by destroying and transforming everything around them.
What is beyond everything we understand? The universe, vastness, love, light? With this, everything begins to feel like too much to me. Am I truly comfortable with this?
What should I change in my own life? I need to change in another quality! I have been trying to understand all the time, but it seems that the only answer is to cultivate love for myself and the universe. Why does a person want something more when, in reality, everything is so simple and beautiful? The desire for fulfillment and its unfulfillment – this is what drives a person forward.
Why are there so many poisonous plants and animals in nature? There are the light forces and the dark ones. If this weren’t the case, the purpose of development would be lost. Why did God create so many things that can harm a person?
A person is the greatest destroyer in their actions and corruption. They must go through destruction to develop and become the expression of love. Isn't this the same idea as why there are poisonous berries and fruits? To teach people to respect? Perhaps, even more likely, to fight! If a person doesn’t deserve it, they won’t reach those fruits.
Isn't it enough what a person has created for themselves, harming both themselves and others? Everyone gets used to their comfort, and then they need a mirror – the surrounding world that reflects our inner state.
Why are there earthquakes in one place, but not in another? Why do malaria mosquitoes or mosquitoes live in one place but not elsewhere? People are born according to their karmic and accumulated imprints.
Why is there a desert where nothing grows? Is it a way to show people what their Soul is like without love? It is an endless sea of sand that cannot exist without life. A good idea to remind people of their inner emptiness.
Why is the world so diverse? It is the result of development and diversity.
Why do people live without awareness? It isn’t – awareness can be greater or smaller, but it is always present. It’s impossible to stand still.
What leads people astray? Only their distorted mind and diverted consciousness, life beliefs, and character traits (inheritance).
Why do people prefer warmth over cold? Because there is a boundary between good and evil – the division of feelings and the thin line between them. When in the shower, I rejoice as the warm water embraces my body. I wonder why I can’t feel the same with cooler water, not even cold?
For example, this doesn’t affect a frog – it is the nature of a person’s cells. Yes, initially there is a shock, but when we merge with it, when we accept this feeling, the difference disappears. Warm, cold, good, bad – aren’t they just human sensations? A person has the ability to disconnect from the world of feelings, and then they feel nothing. This is one of the seven bodies of the aura that can be removed, and with the body, one can do anything without feeling it. These abilities can be developed and trained. Everything in life is training. What we repeat often also becomes fulfilled. Where our consciousness is, there reality is born.
Causality - Metabolism
In life and the universe, there is a fundamental law of causality that humans must learn to understand the interaction between themselves and the energy of the universe. The easiest way to begin understanding this interaction is by observing the processes that occur within us. This presents an excellent opportunity to understand how these processes affect our body, life, and well-being.
When observing what happens in the body when you eat, you can directly feel the connection to your metabolism. It is a process that reflects your body's functions. Your life is closely linked to your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Another important factor is the food you consume, which shapes your physical body and its metabolic processes. These two processes—energy (spiritual or physical) and metabolic activity—create the flow of your life.
In this flow, the life direction of all humans is intertwined. If we look at the structure of the world more broadly, it becomes evident that humans, nature, and all living organisms on Earth form a unified whole created by a higher intelligence in the Universe. This system operates under laws that govern life processes and guide their development. These laws always lead to positivity—love, helping people realize what love is and how to live in it. Consciousness, in its essence, is what guides us in this interaction.
Basic processes are closely tied to energetic accumulations—karmas. Everything is interconnected, forming a very complex mechanism.
We can begin with something that is easiest to understand. Everything we eat is processed in our bodies, creating metabolic processes. The functioning of our bodies, which affects mood, health, the amount and quality of energy released, depends on these processes. Pay attention to how you feel after eating—within half an hour after a meal. How does your body feel? Do you feel awake, energetic, active, happy, loving, and eager to accomplish tasks? Or perhaps you feel tired, apathetic, angry, fatigued, with a desire only to rest and delay everything? How is your mood—cheerful, happy, or grumpy, exhausted? It's important to observe how the body reacts to different foods. If you feel tired and apathetic after eating, you should remove those foods from your diet for a while.
This kind of observation promotes the growth of consciousness. The processes that occur in the body after eating are some of the first examples of how we can get to know ourselves and our interaction with the world. The foods we eat form a metabolic reaction in the body that influences our feelings. If we want to feel energetic and lively, it’s essential to understand which foods help us feel this way. By doing so, we consciously shape our inner processes.
This awareness also allows us to discipline our desires, mind, and consciousness. If we eat foods that are unsuitable for our metabolism, it will disrupt the body's functions and may cause discomfort. Therefore, gaining understanding of the processes that occur in our bodies requires disciplining our consciousness and limiting our desires.
Consciousness grows when we realize the law of cause and effect. First, we act, and then consequences follow. Are they the desired consequences or not? Whether we get what we want depends on our future actions and decisions. These actions either guide us toward our goals or lead us astray. It is valuable to carry out this analysis regularly—after a week, month, six months, a year, or several years.
By performing such an analysis, review life’s processes to understand whether they are moving toward the goals you’ve chosen, or whether they are moving in a different direction, regardless of your persistent desires.
To consciously move toward the desired goals and living conditions, it is necessary to understand the laws of action and consequence. Therefore, you must get to know the processes within yourself and in the universe. The more we understand these causal processes, the more opportunities we have to steer our lives in the way we want. In this way, we become the masters and decision-makers of our lives, rather than just drifting with the flow of life, controlled by external factors, societal programs, and habitual life conditions.
S: Thank you, Teacher, for the joy and all the beauty in this life! Have a pleasant evening! With warmth!
S: Shortly after our conversation, I was offered a job. Gratitude from the heart! I will try. May God bless you and guide you!
I: Thank you! As you bless, so shall you also experience! Good luck!
S: I am sorry for everything! Thank you!
I: And that’s true for everyone— the more you bless, the more you experience, so when you experience more, the more you bless!
S: So it seems that one should only bless? Then, only change happens. Humans are strange creatures, they don't understand the good. Thank you!
I: Well, that’s how it is, they nurture and sustain many "shadows" in their universe spaces. The blessing drives away those "shadows," but the person must accept, love, and let go of them. Then the "shadows" can no longer stay (The energy of Love is of the highest vibrations)— either they separate, or dissolve. Then there will be less need for the blessing. There’s always a battle between the good and the "shadows" for the human soul, which, with the person’s own consent, can inhabit and receive energy. The person willingly turns to it and serves. It’s a choice that is given by God to each person.
S: Often it seems— is the choice really given? Such immense willpower, faith, understanding, purpose, and Divine qualities must exist and develop to realize that it's not me, as a soul, but the "shadows" that life is blessing. When everything darkens, it feels like there is no choice, because you can’t see even a small light, and you enter that darkness. You teach so much how to be in it or how not to fall into it, and yet it still seems I haven’t learned anything. Because the "ups and downs" of life processes seem to grow stronger. Thank you for this perspective!
I: Yes, everything is as you’ve written! The "ups and downs" grow stronger because the pride, expression, and demands are activated through work and life processes, perceiving much of this behavior and feelings as Divine.
S: Do I understand correctly that in my behavior and attitude recently I have activated pride, etc.— under the flag of esoteric teachings and spirituality— not realizing that I have strayed far from the Divine? That’s why the "shadows" are activated and life is becoming stronger in its blessing?
I: That is exactly right. It has been activated in everyone all the time, but I’ve been doing my best to guide you all in a different direction. That’s why things could have been progressing well, successfully shaping the future and changing yourself. But for that, I’ve received hatred, destruction, and have become a stranger and enemy. The true page of life!
S: Complete degradation of human consciousness. It’s like with Christ. But how should we live and teach to the Teachers? And how should the Students learn? There has to be some middle way. I didn’t realize that these processes were happening. May God forgive me and forgive me, please, for you. How can our relationship continue to develop? I want to learn and not harm you. To cooperate—to create and learn to create beautiful processes. But to go with my own energy, not yours? I really have no understanding if this is truly possible?
I: We must teach only what a person is able to change, but where is that limit??? (In the person’s will—choice). It will require many lives and a longer path. If a person wants, they can achieve much. We cannot give much to a person if they do not ask for it. They must want and sacrifice in order to work through their karmas, not just organize their life. My failure is when I have always given more, so that life could be better and processes could happen as desired by everyone, rather than asking for real development and work to be invested into what everyone desires. Learning to give is just as much a lesson as learning to do anything else. About Christ, you have said it very precisely. He was also sent to the earth to show what abilities humans have, given by God, so that people can learn and turn to Love. But that ignorance is so great and everywhere that it destroys...
S: Thank you for your experience! I will go on and not give up. I thank you for all the opportunities you’ve given and for the pleasant feelings I have experienced. Those moments strengthen me and give me strength to rise again and move forward. Through you, I have had the chance to touch the most beautiful thing in my life. Simply, thank you!
I: Thank you for seeking understanding!
S: Thank you for your patience, acceptance, and Love!

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Lioss Aktavio - author of lessons, music, videos. Copyright protected. Materials and works may not be distributed further.