Meditations to balance the mind and feelings, restore energy and create a sense of love in the Soul.
Meditations in which one can subconsciously touch a current situation in one's life - see it and become aware of it.
Meditations in which one can subconsciously see, become aware of and positively change current situations in one's life.
The soul is our feeling world and it guides our lives. The more harmonious feelings of love we have in our Soul, the more successful our life becomes and the more effectively we can achieve our goals.
Meditation is a practice in which one learns to free the mind, consciously come to the "here and now" of the true self and cultivate the Soul towards Love. It is an opportunity to disconnect from the physical and material world, to explore one's subtle energetic world and to find solutions to life's pressing issues.
In LAWIO meditations we use a powerful instrument - special music by Actaavio Lios, video and nature sounds. These musical works are created in the subtle energies of the Universe - in harmony and love. By cooperating with them, one is able to release and purify one's subtle energetic world of negative thoughts and feelings accumulated in the past and fill it with harmonious feelings of love more quickly, easily and effectively.
In everyday life, people live unconsciously - unaware of their actions, words, thoughts and feelings. He is constantly in his mind - in thoughts that are constantly changing, dwelling on the past, feeling dissatisfied with the present and fearful about the future. The mind is stressed and in chaos, overwhelmed by habitual beliefs about life, past experiences, social agendas, fears, responsibilities, worries and anxieties.
Thoughts and feelings are very powerful energies that materialise and become realised in one's life. As your thoughts and feelings are, so is your life! The unconscious activity of the mind and feelings in life creates what one does not want - suffering, pain, failure and chaos.
If you want to improve your life, start living consciously - thinking about what you want and cultivating your world of feelings towards love.
Why do people have negative thoughts and feelings?
Idealizations and attachments to the physical and material world create negative thoughts and feelings in a person.
Attachment means that a person is attached to certain beliefs, character traits, values, things or people in life and is unable to let them go.
If real life does not conform to one's pattern of idealisations and attachments, one indulges in negative thoughts and feelings and moves away from Love.
During the meditation practice, the meditation leader guides the consciousness in a way that helps the person to free the mind and disconnect it from everyday thoughts, attachments and idealisations of the physical and material world.
The consciousness is then guided in a desirable and positive direction - subconsciously to the true self. It is an opportunity to experience stillness, peace, rest, balance, to become aware of oneself and one's life.
In the subconscious, one is guided towards harmonious flows of energies that evoke feelings of love in the Soul towards oneself, the people around one, one's life and the world. It is an opportunity to think creative and positive thoughts and to touch goodness, humanity and love - feelings that one passes by or does not recognise in everyday life.
It is recommended to practice meditation regularly, in the mornings and evenings. It helps to keep your energy - thoughts and feelings - in balance and harmony on a daily basis.
It is recommended to practice meditation in the morning to have a positive attitude for the day and to give thanks for the opportunities in life. In the evenings, it is recommended to practice meditations to free the mind and feelings from everyday worries and anxieties, to ask forgiveness for the mistakes of the day and to give thanks for the experiences and lessons of life.
Meditate until you are able to consciously direct your life and achieve your goals - free from unwanted and negative thoughts and feelings and able to think about what you want and feel love in your Soul.
You can learn more about how a person and his life circumstances are formed in the LAWIO studio.
A human being is like a vessel that contains information and energy at birth. The contents of this vessel need to be constantly improved, developed, perfected.
If we get into good conditions and start enjoying them, but do not improve on the improvement, then comes education. Because little by little the negative, the previously accumulated, is activated.
In meditation there is a "detachment" of the mind from everyday thoughts, a release from the race of thoughts and a visualisation of the scenery of nature. Through this visualization, one begins to know one's Soul, to create in it what is needed - balance, harmony, stability, love, faith, humility.
Video meditation is Soul Therapy. It is a unique tool for harmonising the Soul and improving life. By watching and interacting with the video, a person can positively change their feelings and thus improve their well-being, resolve life situations and achieve goals in their life.
How to register your feelings, to know, understand, perceive states?
Life itself shows everything in front of us. If a person perceives what is happening as the norm, then he begins to live according to society's programmes, norms, addictions.
The more one withdraws from oneself, the more one takes upbringing as the norm. The more one knows oneself and life, the more one feels, perceives life's warnings about one's transgressions, not yet expecting upbringing. This is conscious living and action. Taking responsibility for one's actions, words, thoughts, feelings, subconscious.
Feelings and thoughts materialise. This is the law of the universe.
Every event in a person's life is a consequence of what is happening in the Soul (feelings, thoughts, subconscious). If a person experiences adverse events in his life and cannot achieve his goals, it means that there are negative feelings in the Soul - aggression, resistance, frustration, fear, anger, envy, resentment, etc. These are sins committed in this or previous lives or passed down through generations. They cause disturbances in the circulation of energies and consequently problems in the physical body and living conditions.
Rest, relax, create, change and live better!
The universal law of cause and effect is at work in human life - what is in the Soul is in the life. The Soul is the world of all human feelings. The more harmonious the feelings in the Soul, the more successful man and his life. One can know, change and improve one's feelings, and therefore one can change and improve anything in one's life.
It is possible to cultivate feelings in oneself by persistent and regular work on oneself, but even in the first meditation it is possible to feel a part of one's Soul, to come to one's true self. It all depends very much on one's inner world and one's openness to the process.
The author of the video, Lios Actaavio, creates the video in the subtle vibrations of the Universe - in the energy of love, based on a deep knowledge of the interaction between human life, Soul and energy. Watching the natural sights, colours, shapes and listening to the special music of the video, the energies of the Earth and the Universe are balanced. They influence human actions, thoughts, feelings and the subconscious and create the possibility for positive change.
Video meditation is easy, relaxing and brings big, positive changes!
Take 10-15 minutes for yourself.
Listen to yourself. You can count down from 30 - 1. This helps to calm your thoughts.
Choose a goal - what do you need right now?
Choose a video. Each video has its own nuance, which area of life, goal or feeling it is more suited to.
The meditation continues with a video by Actaavio Lios, during which the energy of love permeates the Soul and the whole human energy; this energy is put into the author's works from the Universe. As he walks through life and creates his works, Acteavio Lios is in union with God's world, in love. When a person hears and sees these vibrations, a transformation takes place in the Soul and in the whole energy.
The videos help to improve areas of life:
Work and money
Self-love and acceptance of life
Relaxation, balance, sleep
Trust and intuition
The videos are available to purchase in electronic format to watch in a setting that suits you.
Suggestions for in-depth self-improvement with video:
Play the video in the background. Tune in for a positive and successful day! Think good thoughts about your goal! The video clears and positively changes the energy of people and spaces. It is very effective to play the video in a room where children are playing. Videos have a positive effect on children's physical and mental development.
Think about your goal and just watch the video. Sit comfortably, think about your goal and watch the video - relax, unwind, reenergise, calm and organise your thoughts, come back to yourself, feel yourself, come into balance and harmony. Watch the video in the evening to get a good night's sleep and a positive start to the day.
Watch the video consciously, creating positive and necessary feelings within yourself. Watch the video and dwell on good memories, thoughts, dreams, gratitude, forgiveness, respect and desired goals. Strengthen your faith and your life has a chance to change positively!
To clean up and improve life conditions and achieve goals, the negative feelings in the Soul need to be replaced by positive ones - understanding, awareness, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, humility, patience, compassion, respect and faith. This is the way to Love and a successful life!
With the help of the video you have the opportunity to effectively harmonize your Soul and to resolve current life situations and achieve certain goals.
Choose the way of working with video that suits you in a given life situation!
1. Goal + watch the video = motivation, strength and energy to realise the goal
You have a clear goal - you want to do a certain task (e.g. call a client, write an article, tidy up your house, etc.). But you lack energy, motivation and drive. Be aware of your goal, watch the video and imagine that you have already achieved your goal and that you are becoming a more grateful, balanced and loving person.
2. Watch the video + balance = goal clarity
You have an idea of your goals, but they are not clear. There is confusion and doubt about where to go, what to do and how to do it. Watch the video with the aim of freeing your mind, calming down, getting into balance, listening to yourself and getting clarity of thought. After watching the video, listen to your goals - thoughts will arise, desires will emerge, goals will become clear.
3. Watch the video + forgiveness, gratitude, prayer, mantra = get closer to your goal
*You have a goal - for example, to improve your relationship with your spouse. There is a situation in your life where your friend's actions offended you. You cannot forget this situation and forgive. Every day the relationship gets worse because your negative feelings create more friction. Watch the video, remember the situation and ask for forgiveness for your Soul or the Soul of your mate.
For example:
"My Soul, please forgive me for hurting and hurting you."
"God, please forgive me for hurting my spouse and hurting her."
Your will, prayer and cooperation with the subtle vibrations of the video will help you to work out the resentment and you will be able to understand, accept and forgive the situation. In this way you will create positive energy in your relationship and move closer to your goal.
** You have a specific goal - for example, to improve your work and money situation. You have had successful business dealings at work. You want them again. Watch the video, remember the successful deal, linger in gratitude to the Universe, to life, to yourself or to people for the opportunity.
For example:
"Thank you for this opportunity".
"Thank you, God, for making this happen in my life."
The more you truly thank and give positive energy to this event and to the subtle world, the more successful deals you will attract into your life.
*** You have a specific goal - for example, to come into balance and harmony. Watch the video and repeat a prayer or mantra to yourself to help you reach your goal.
For example:
"I am in balance and harmony."
"All is fair and right in life. I accept everything as it is."
4. Know your goal + watch the video = get closer to your goal
Think about your goal, write it down, make a note of it and consciously tune in to it. Then watch the video and stay consciously on target. During the video meditation, immediately after the meditation or later, you will notice that solutions, ideas, energies and events related to the goal will arise for you.
5. Watch video + balance = reach goal
You have a goal - for example, to develop a new project. Watch the video and find balance, harmony, clarity of thought and your purpose. Stay in balance and in your goal for a while after watching the video. Do not activate your thoughts. Allow the energy of the Universe to fill your purpose. Immediately or over time, you will feel solutions, ideas, thoughts of how to achieve your goal arise.
6. Watch a video + positive mindset = get closer to your goal
Watch the video with the aim of freeing your mind, calming down, finding balance, listening to yourself and gaining clarity of thought. After watching the video, repeat a positive thought form to yourself to help you reach your goal.
For example: "I am a calm, strong, courageous, confident person. I'm doing great."
!!! After the video meditation, give thanks for the opportunity to develop and improve your life. Schedule the video meditation so that you don't talk on the phone, go on the internet or talk to people for at least 30 minutes afterwards.
!!! Watch different videos - change them. Each video is made up of different harmonious energies. Watching videos with a spectrum of different energies leads to a multifaceted human development.
Watch the videos regularly (1-3 times a week) for 1-2 months or until the changes you want to see happen.
By lingering on your goals, positive thoughts, creating the feelings you need, your Soul will harmonise and energy flows will be renewed, allowing positive events to come into your life.
Each person is unique - with their own background, experiences, character, perseverance, work and abilities. Goals can also be short and long term, easier and more difficult. So the time it takes to achieve a goal will be individual to each person.
Whatever the reaction, when interacting with a video, accept whatever you feel and change it for the positive. It is an opportunity to free your Soul from the sins of the past, to harmonise and evolve it - to move towards balance, goodness, harmony and a better life.
May you see, hear, feel and find yourself! Change, create the positive and go towards Love! The videos will help you if you build faith, cooperation and development!
If watching the video gives you strong emotions, discomfort, triggers changes in your life circumstances, reduce the frequency and duration of the video. The subconscious mind is activated, transformed and cleansed of negative thoughts and feelings accumulated in the past. When the emotions and the activated life processes are balanced, continue watching the video.
The vibration of love in these works has a strong, balancing and transformative energy.
That is why the reactions to the works of Actaavio Lios are so varied
- Tears of joy, laughter, release, peace, balance, pain, temperature changes, aggression, annoyance, flight.
People describe the time spent listening to musical and video works in different ways
- Trembling, colours, lights, tingling, pain, excitement, feeling of flight.
All these feelings describe the processes of change in the human Soul. All this happens because the Soul is touched by the subtle vibrations of love.
There are places in every human Soul where pollutions, blocks and accumulated negative feelings have been created.
If this subtle vibration hits this tangle, then the person feels some pain or aggression, irritation. But all this is in a much lighter form than if these trials came in the daily routine of life, because the structures of the Soul are being changed.
And after meditation, one has to continue the inner work with these feelings and entanglements that become activated. Often there are also clear specific events that are stirred up, which the person has to change by changing their attitudes and reactions to the event.
If one feels harmonious after meditation, it means that the vibrations have balanced the existing alignment in the Soul and increased the love within it.
Each meditation can be different, because the energy is moving and the vibrations can harmonise a different circumstance or alignment each time.
But the more one lets the vibrations of love into the Soul, the more balance and success come to life and circumstances are arranged. For that is our life's task - to increase love in the Soul!
A human being is a collection of information and energy, consisting of a physical body, a Soul and a Spirit.
The Soul is the substance where feelings are, they guide and shape our lives!
In every human being there are feelings: positive - harmony and negative - disharmony.
The feelings of love, goodness, humanity, balance, respect, tenderness, warmth, light, compassion, empathy, need to be created in the Soul in order to arise.
Wherever human attention-consciousness is, it is formed and happens.
Our character, life views, qualities, lineage, what we have accumulated in the past is our destiny, which can and must be changed.
Change how? Change why? Change for how long? Change how much?
Not to live in the feelings that are, but to create the feelings that are needed for the Soul to live in harmony, in balance. By shaping our attitudes, the processes and destiny of life change.
Why cannot one remain in good conditions for a long time without improving oneself in the inner world, in work, family, interests, hobbies? Frustration arises from a lack of gratitude for all that is already there.
Activated: demands, aggression, living other lives, judging, condemnation, pleasure, humiliation, dissatisfaction.