We often fail to see what is truly happening to us here on Earth. What lies behind everything that takes place in our lives? What are the laws of the Universe, how do they work, and what patterns shape our lives?
Lioss Aktavio's desire is to explore the world that cannot be seen with ordinary eyes. This involves developing telepathic vision and the ability to travel through events and lives to understand the principles and patterns that govern this world.

Every event in life is a result of what happens within a person’s Soul. Any failure, inability to achieve goals, illness, or obstacles in life are caused by the accumulation of negative energies in the Soul—sins committed in this or previous lives or inherited through generations. This creates a karmic family burden that disrupts the flow of energy, leading to issues in both the physical body and life circumstances.
We help people understand what is happening in their energy field and offer practical methods to harmonize and balance the Soul. We teach how to transform negative energies into positive ones, resolve pressing life challenges, achieve important goals, and improve health.
Lioss Aktavio is an extraordinary individual who has deeply explored the subtle, unseen world. He has uncovered the principles of existence and how they operate within humans—and thus within the Universe. Every journey to higher truths begins within ourselves.
The journey starts with the first step. Lioss Aktavio’s teachings serve as inspiration and an opportunity to take that step. He is a trustworthy and reliable guide who leads to a day where everything becomes possible—a day filled with light, the beauty of the sun, warmth, harmony, balance, and love.
Human Souls need love. The Soul is the structure that, through its experiences, determines what happens in a person’s life. Therefore, it is essential to understand, improve, and nurture it.
LAWIO opens the gateway to a world of love without boundaries or limits, where everything is possible. It is an opportunity to discover yourself—your energies, the energies of the Universe, and their interplay. It is a chance to be in harmony with yourself and the Universe, to find the understanding and inner peace we so often seek. It is the opportunity to become the creator of your own life.
Lioss Aktavio is a spiritual teacher with telepathic and healing abilities. For more than 43 years, he has explored and studied the subtle world of energy and the principles governing human life. The teachings of Lioss Aktavio continue the legacy of the renowned 16th-century alchemist Paracelsus, focusing on the alchemy of emotions.
Lioss Aktavio’s musical works, much like his heart, are filled with kindness, infinite love, and profound knowledge. They also reflect a uniquely different perspective and perception of life.
Why Development is Necessary
In life, the law of cause and effect governs everyone on Earth!
Each of our tools is capable of reaching the root causes, dissolving them, and creating change. It is essential to learn how to transform and harmonize. Anything and everything in this life can be changed! People need to learn how to do this themselves and teach others how to use our tools. However, it is crucial to educate people that this process is not always, or even rarely, easy. It can be painful, uncomfortable, and requires patience, persistence, and an understanding that achieving the goal is the ultimate purpose.
For many, these processes can be delightful, divine, liberating, and creative, but this depends on the sins they have accumulated, their quantity, nature, and attitude toward life.
We develop therapeutic methods and tools and continuously work to ensure they deliver results—tangible changes and improvements. However, many people have a feeling in their soul that change won’t happen immediately, instantly, or on a large scale. This can lead them to become indifferent to the changes being created, to life, themselves, and others.
Our videos, music, meditations, and Tibetan singing bowls can reach the causes and transform them. When this happens, it is essential to learn how to harmonize. These processes should lead to results—specific changes, improvements, achievements, and goals—from the simplest to the most complex. Therefore, it is vital to work on changes over a sustained period.
When you start achieving goals and making real improvements, you’ll begin to move closer to what is truly important, valuable, and long-awaited. Each of us must refine, organize, and develop our tools and processes. However, along the way, the ego can get in the way, and if it does, the process may halt, leaving no perceived reason to continue.
Energies come in many forms—they consist of both information and the energy itself. Everyday energies and energies of pleasure are saturated with coarser vibrations, and people often get used to living alongside them. The lower the level of energy we operate on, the more intensely we feel it because it has greater inertia.
For instance, if we compare aggression and love, both moving at the same velocity, we would feel aggression much more strongly because it is heavier, coarser, and more tangible. Love, on the other hand, is flowing, expansive, and ethereal. People grow accustomed to certain beliefs, and the structures of their soul adapt to this way of life, gathering energy in specific oscillations and quantities.
As such, when someone changes their beliefs, the composition of their energy also shifts. New energies require adjustment—they must be perceived and lived with. These energies have a different consistency, smell, and taste, and during significant transformations, people often fail to recognize them.
This applies to you as well: when major changes occur, they lead to a transition toward a different quality of energy. As a result, the sensations from what was once familiar and recognizable may become less noticeable.
Another process that can consume a lot of energy is reevaluating life’s events, dealing with new experiences, knowledge, and changes that activate memories and feelings from the past.

Address: Riga. Vidrižu IELA 1
Company: LAWIO
Registr.n.: 22036811962
Account: LV87HABA0551052328496
Lioss Aktavio - author of lessons, music, videos. Copyright protected. Materials and works may not be distributed further.